1.My first steps
Sunil gavaskar was born on 10th july 1949.sunil had cricket in this blood.his father was a goodclub cricketer.his uncle, madhav mantri also played four officials tests for india.sunil loved to go to his uncle if he could take once one.but his uncle refused to give any and told him that he must work hars and sweat to get india colours.his uncle told him that there was no short cut to the top.he was also fascinated by many models he had and the large number of trophies he had won.what he liked most were no short cut to the top. He was also fascinated by many models he had and the large number of trophies he had won.what he liked most were the stumps bearing the autographs of the 1952 india and England teams.from the childhood.he wanted to become a batsman. 2.LEISURE
In this poem, the poet expresses a sense of pain over modern mans indifference to the beauties of nature .the poet wants to tell the significance and importance of leisure. The poet wants to say that we are always busy in earning and spending.we don’t have time to see the beauty of things or the naturalbeauty of the world.we don’t have leisure or timeto see the cows or sheep under the boughs grazing in the meadows.during the day the rays of sun ook very beautiful.the rays of sun twinkle like stars in the water of the streams,but wehave no time to watch the beauty of we are poor because we cannot enjoy the beauty of nature,we can not stand and stare the free balmy gifts of nature.
The story shows theconsciousness about the environment of a rural couple.the story is about a childless couple of hulickal village in Karnataka thimmakka and her husband bikkalu the the 1950s they decided to adopt children were 284 banyan trees planted by them along a 3 km stretch on a national highway.thimmakka husband was a disabled person.she had also to earn wages as a daily labourer.they dug up pits and planted saplings in them.her efforts bore fruit and provide a green canopy for 3km stretch.she has been justly awarded the national citizens awarded the national citizens award for social foresting from the prime minister.their estimated price es85 crores.
This is an imaginary letter written by a school boy in response to his father’s letter.rahul first rank slipped to second.he became annoyed with him and expressed his annoyance in his letter.father we’ve never really been close and I cant rightly say you have been my friend,philosopher,guide etc. please enlighten me whether literacy makes onenervous,fearful,frustrated or blooming,bold and confident.
There are many sources of renewable energy ie.sun (solar)the wind,the tides,water and evev biogas.we have resons to br proud of being the worlds 5th largest producer of windenergy.wind energy was used to propel boats along the nile as early as5000bc .the wind power plants installed in California (us)were able to offset theemission of more than 2.5 billion pounds of carbon dioxide and 15million pounds of other pollutants provide the same air quality would take a forest of 90 million to 175 million trees.wind is the fastest growing sources of electricity generation in the world.
This poem is composed by kamala das one of the foremost ladypoets of india.this poem is based on the childhood memories of poetess.she tells us about the loss of her grandmother.The poet gives in imaginary of ahouse.the poet says that once she lived in such a house full of great lovefor her.she felt veryproud to be loved so much by her grandmother.she feeds a great vacuum due to the absence of such by her grand mother.she feeds a great vacuum due to the absence of such love in her she begs for love at the strangers doors at least in small quantities.but her grandmothers love for her cannot be she was wants love from others.
Before examinations many students are under tremendous stress.butnot only the students are stressed but teachers and parents also face the same situation .anxiety is contagious and pass onto other students,teachers and parents.some of the resons for increase in stress level are crisis need to make carrer oriented decisions teachers and parents attitude and peer avoid or reduse stress,you must manage you time is useful to divide task into three categories. Important-A,less important-B and runtine-C.This would provide relief from constantpressure of important tasks.exercise is beneficial in regular should always think that failure is never final and success never end.
Thisstory iswritten by the famous writer wallance.this is the story of a doctor named benson.Dr.benson received a telephone call from a ladyMrs. Ott sorely who was to bear a was a dark night and no man could be seen on the road.when the doctor moved ahead he saw a man ivited him to ride.that man told the doctor that he was going to Detroit.he had been mechanic and had beendriving a truck sice thewar ended but he lost his job about a month ago.that man told the doctor that his name was thought this that man stole his watch so he took his pistol and pushed the nose of his gun into evans neek and told even to putthat watch in his pocket before he lets gun go off.with trembling hands evan put the watch into the doctors pocket.after that he told that a man wanted to robe him but he published his pistol into his side then he had to return his watch.he picked up that watch and found that,that watch belonged to mr.evans himself.
The author states that every girl or boy in the world has sweet memories of her or his childhood.being blind at so yong an age,the author did not0hold the sweet memories of sight.ved mehtas blindness was followed by complete in action due to shock illness.his father was a trained doctor but he could do nothing for his he prepared himself to suffer the god given life longtragedy.the only blind person veds parents had seen were beggars.veds father could not bear to see his son as abeggar.his father was determined to do any thing so that ved may not turn to begging.veds father wrote the principal of dadar school for the blind in Bombay.the principal gave assurance that he would take personal responsibility for the child .and his mother also prepared herself half heartedly to sent her son far to study.
The poem is an extract fromtagores immortal the poet makes a prayer to god to turn his country into a heaven of freedom he wants his country to be free from all evils.he prays to god that his country people should be fearless and respecting,everyone must get education without any discrimination.he wishes that india should progress by leaps and bound by virtue of peoples hard and home labour.there should be clarity and coordination in their thought,word and action .the country would rise above blind faiths and supersituvation practices.thus the poet earnestly prays to god to show light to his countrymen.he prays that god should help his countrymen to transfer their land into a heaven of freedom.
The majority of child workers in india are cultivators and agricultural india child labouris dominant.child servitude excludes the domestic labour of girls ,although this may be full time work determental to development,necessary for survival and equal inescapable.such concept of child labour can not gives us th sufficient matter to understand the real meaning of child labour.mostof child labour in india are relatedto agriculture.domestic chores and in small factories etc. the urban-bias in indian administration and the media is be seen in the portrayal of rural life as idyllic.the bias is not peculiar to middle class.
This is a play.the main character of this playis gerrard and the other person is intoudr.the scene takes place in small cottage in essex.itis not well furnished.gerrard wasa young actor,living alone in a cottage he avoided meeting trade people and phoned his orders.he is not day he was packing his travelling bag to leave his cottage.a man vincent charles holding a revolver in his hand broke into the cottage.his plan was to kill the mysterious gerrard and the live as gerrardhimself it was his trick to elude the police.gerrard out wited him soon.he said that he too was wanted by the police who might come any to arrest him.he suggested that they should escape.he managed to shut him inthe cupboard and rang up the police.
Baldeo is the tragic hero of ruskin in bonds story.he along withhis wife,adaughter and a son tembu lived in a small village .his small rice fields could not support the he became a railway employee.his job was to see that t he lamp was burning and give signal that the track inside the tunnel was clear. Baldeo had no fear of the forest and the wild animals.HIslittle axe gave him confidence.he took pride on his skill in usingthe weapon.He once killed a bear with it.and soon he saw the huge bad of the tiger baldeo bravely faced the tiger.baldeo drove his axe which remained.struck in the bone making the matter worse .now baldeo was without a weapon.The tiger killed baldeo and the wounder tiger was cut by the approching train.all the responsibilities of the famiy come on the tender shoulder of Tembo.Now,he was use of the are lighting the signal lamp for the overland mail,with fathers axe and he now knew to the visit.
The road not taken is beautiful poemof robert forest.the theme of his poem is the problem of making of achoice.there comes some moments some moments where he has to make choices.the poet was passing through a yellow forest alone.He came to point where he saw two roads going in different directions.He looked down one as far as he could see.The other one was equally tempting. Both the roads seemed like to him that morning .He was on the horn of dilemma .finally he decided to walk along the other road.The decision set the cause of his life for ever .It made all the difference in his career.
Problems relating to biomedical waste are raised include hospital waste like amputated body parts,syrings,gauze,glass etc. it is a matter of serious concern because it spoils the beauty of cities also and causes health problems .the problem has no esy solution.THe presesnt mode of waste management is it composted or incinerated.But the best way to deal with it so to recycle or reuse the waste .it would give revenue also which would compensate for the expenditure incurred on garbage collection.
This is the story of girl named ardhana.She was a good dancer.The kamala devi school of dance and music was holding the dance show.Aradhana was such a good dancer that she was selected to inaugurte this show.ardhana was such a good dancer that she was selected to inaugurte this show.ardhanas younger sister praised her very muchand told her that she waslooking very beautifull.At the same time ardhana saw her aunt named pramella and she became upset because she was an illomented woman.ardhana was very touchy.She felt upset and had a bruised look in her eyes .Aunt pramella tells grandmother that ardhana must be aware of the fact that she is an adopted child.She became upset on hearing it.Her mother gives her neckalceand tells her that parents bought it for birthday.ardhana with a heavy heart went from there .ardhana had not reached the stage .ardhanas face was pale. Yet ,he looked relaxed .She looked relaxed .She was dancing only for person that was her mother.
In this speech ,nehru expresses his views on indian history ,he also tells about her dream of futures .India lost her ideas of freshness and youthful vigour.Th society was divided into castes and became a slave to customs.India today facing the past and future ,both pulling her in opposite direction .gandhi adopted a golden path.He respected trasition and at the same tim worked for a radical change .He upheld the principles of truthj and peaceful means .this tried to build a new india on thougtful. nehru is both plesed and disapponited with modern india .indians are noe marching ahed with determination.nehru hopes and wishes that the country become self sufficient .the masses should stop fighting in the name of religion or caste ,language or province.A classless and casteless society should be established here.
The poem NIGHT OF THE SCORPION is composed by nissim Ezekiel.It was a rainy night and a scorpion stung the mother of the poet.but the scorpion was not visible it was hidden under the sack of rice .A large crowd gathered around the mother of the poet to show their sympathy .They said the Gods name hundred times so that the scorpion would paralyse.they wanted the scorpion stand still to avoid the spread of the poison in mothers body.His father was rationalist .A holy person tame the poison with an incantation .After 20 hours she hours she left herself well.She forgot her pain and thanked god for her children who where spared by the scorpion stung.
Many years ago,it was time of night.the night was stromyand it was also raining elderly couple went to seek shelter in the lobby of a small hotel in philadelphia.they approched that man at the desk .the clerk at the desk was an amiable fellow.he told them politely that all the rooms in the hotel had been occupied as there were three convention in the progress in the town.he did not want that elderly couple would remain out in that rainy night so he offered his room to the couple,Next morning the couple prepared to check out of the hotel after clearing the the old man was none else than william waldorf afster.the majestic building was the orginal world of astoria hotel the youngman to become in first manager was george c. boldt.could not imagine that he would someday become the manager of worlds most glamorous hotel.
This story of eleven year old boy named mohammad riyaz ahamd.mohammad riyaz ahamd is an styandard third student at prathamic vidyalaya of aminabad,lucknow .riyaz who was awarded the sanjay chopra bravery Award wasin hospital for more than three months .he lost of his limbs,one arm and the wrist of the other arm while saving a four year old all happened on jan 16,2003 . the girl also lost one of her limbsasthe train ran over them.riyaz wounds have not healed fully but his spirits are high.he aims to resume his studies and become a doctor.he shows his engineering skills with electronics items home.he has been awarded sanjay chopra bravery award.
Education is commenly understod by people as the means of acquiring certian knowldge and skills in order to earn their living .the process of socilaization starts right from childhood and it is purpose of education to facilitate this socialization on and produce responsible and committed citizens who would be able to contribute to the progress of the community,society and the country at large .education prepares education praepares a person to lead a purposeful and meaningful life.thus,education prepares a person to lead a purposeful and meanigful should not be aimes to earn a living only .it should not be aimed to earn a living should teach us to cope with the strain of modern life.
Rhe piece tellsus about the properties of banyan tree. this tree is common to the sub - himalayan forests and the slopes the hill ranges in peninsular is commenly seen planted along the roads of india near templesa and shrines .it also grown on open patches of land in the villages .banyan is an enormous iaa about 70-100 feet send down roots from the branches,they enter into the ground to from trunks and providing strength to the long branches of the tree .it leaves are oval in sahpe smooth and shining.
It is a pathetic casehistory of young boy 12 years named rajamani.he becomes from a village in tamil nadu. his father is dead .His mother runs a tea shop .he had to discontinue his studies to help her mother running the shop.he had to go to hospital 6months back to seek medical attention for an eye infection.rajamanis problems did not end here and rather they became worst .some months later he has also began to get skin problems on his legs and git TB also.He was refferd to the skin department of the goverment general hosoital in chennai.his blood was tested for hiv,which found to be positive.
This piece is a message by the secretory general,un on theoccasion of the international day against drug abuse and illicit trafficking on 26th june2005.he gives a message to all people who use or are tempted to use drugs,"value your self....make healthy choices".nearly 200million people still consume illegal drugs may have very enticing names like crack,pot,junk,crystal meth and disco biscuits.Finally ,he talks of making healthy choices.We should participate in sports to improve our will also teach us the value of discipline and build self confidence. 25. BHOLI
Bholi was a neglected girl .Bholib real name is sulekha.she is the daughter of ramlal .he is the numburdar of the village.she stammered and had pock marks all over her body.she got opportunity to go to school and get education .Her parents wanted to marry her of to a lame,old man and greedy fellow.she refused to marry that old man in bold manner people even called her shameless .But she resolved to serve hr parents in their old age.S he also resolved to teach in same school where she got educated .bholi was the teacher's msterpiece.
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